For example, you might end up with text that looks like this:
My name
Web page design
the icon to the left of the Location field below the toolbar changes
to when you edit this page. This
icon shows that you've made changes that you haven't saved yet. Choose
File Save
to save your changes and the icon will become a solid web again.
By the way, if you created that
part of the page by writing the HTML code yourself, it would look like:
<H2 ALIGN=Center>My name</H2>
Web page design
This may not look so bad, but this is the simple stuff. Later, we'll do some
things that would be really difficult if you were hand-coding the HTML. For
an example, choose
Tools Show
HTML to see the HTML behind this page. Luckily, we had AOLpress to help
us create this page! You can choose
File Close
to close the HTML window. |