AOLpress Help
Selection Lists

Add a Selection
Position the cursor where you want the Selection List to be.
Click the SList button on the form palette.
Type a Form Tag to give this field a name. The Form Tag is required
and must be unique in the form.
Insert items to select from into the Elements list.
Type an item in the Elements field.
You can click the Select box to make this item a default selection.
Unless the Allow Multiple Selections box is checked, there can be
only one item selected as the default.
Click Add to add the item to the list.
To change the text or default status of an item in the list, highlight that
item in the list (so that it is displayed in the Elements field),
make the changes, and press Change.
To delete an item from the selection list, highlight the item in the text
area and click the Delete button.
To change the order of items in the selection list, highlight the item and
click the Up or Down buttons.
In the Selection List Attributes box type the number of lines to be
displayed in the Display: # Lines field.
The default is to display one line. When only one selection is allowed (see
the next step) it is common to display one line, since clicking on the Selection
List provides a pull-down list from which the one selection can easily be
When multiple selections are allowed, it is probably better to display at
least two lines for clarity and ease of use.
In the Selection List Attributes box choose, by clicking, whether
to Allow Multiple Selections. The default is to not allow multiple
If a Selection List allows multiple selections, you can hold down the
CTRL key (Command key on Macintosh) to select multiple items. Otherwise each
mouse click deselects the previous selection(s).
Click OK, and the selection list appears where the cursor was positioned.
Every element in a form must have a "Form Tag" to name the field or
button. This name identifies the fields that contained each value when the
results are sent to the form handler. When a form is submitted, then the
information sent to the form handler for a selection list will contain
"<Form Tag>=<Selected Item(s)>".