AOLpress Help
Create Links
See the tutorial lesson on
links for a hands-on example.

Make a link:
Select the text or image you would like to make into a link.
If the link already exists, you can hold down the Ctrl key to avoid following
the link while you select it.
don't have to select the exact boundaries of an existing link; AOLpress will
automatically retain the boundaries the link had before.
Choose the
menu item to open the Link window.
Type the URL in the Link To Page field, for example,
If you want to link to some place in the middle of a page, type an anchor
name in the Append Anchor Name field. You will also need to
create an anchor with the same name in the page you
referenced in the Link To Page field.
If the anchor you want to link to is in the same page as the link (that is,
if you just want the link to scroll the page), you don't need to type the
name of that page in the Link To Page field.
If you are using
frames, select the Target Frame you want
to display the page you are linking to.
Click OK to create the link.
The text you selected in your document will be colored and underlined. Clicking
on this newly created link will display the web page whose URL you specified,
at the part of the document where it is anchored.
Other Buttons in the Link Window
Browse |
Allows you to browse your local files or any networked AOLserver for
files to choose as links. If you enter a site that you cannot browse, you
get a message "Cannot Browse Location." |
Rel/Abs |
Switches between a relative link and an absolute link by removing or
adding (respectively) the full internet address to the link's path. For
Absolute | |
Relative |
refer/link.htm or press/2.0/help/refer/link.htm |
Cancel |
Close the Link window without making changes. |
Bulletin |
If you want to store a comment about the link and the date and time you
created the link (in Universal Time), click this button, type your comment,
and click OK. (Bulletins can also allow you to notify users of Smart
Bookmarks by FirstFloor when you
update your pages.) |
Help |
Provides an on-line Link Help Page. |
Making Anchors Within
a Page
Anchors allow you to use plain text in a document and link to that exact
part of the document. The anchor is not a link and cannot be clicked on.
It is used as a target text, for example in a long page with an index or
a table of contents.

Make an anchor
within a page:
Select some text in your page (or just place your cursor where you want to
insert the anchor).
Choose the
menu item.
Type an anchor name in the text field.
For convenience, use an anchor name that is related to the text you selected.
For example, you could type Top if you are placing an anchor at the
top of the page so that links within a page can jump back to the top. If
you already created a link to this anchor, use the anchor name you used in
the link window.
Click OK. The text you selected in your document turns
magenta. This is just to help you find anchors in your
pages. Other browsers will show anchors as normal text.

To check anchor
names or remove anchors:
If you forget an anchor name and want to create a link to that anchor, select
the anchor text and choose
Anchor. You will see the anchor name in a window.
If you erase the anchor name from this window and click OK, the anchor
will be removed from the page.
Checking Links
You may check to see if links you add are valid with the
Check Links menu item.
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