AOLpress Help
Using the Mouse

Select text with the mouse:
To set the insertion point, click the mouse.
To set the insertion point in a link, use CTRL+click to avoid following the
link (hold the CTRL button down and click the mouse).
To select a block of text, hold the mouse button down and sweep over the
letters or words that you want to select.
To extend any selection to the current mouse position, SHIFT+click (hold
the SHIFT button down and click the mouse).
To select a single word, double-click anywhere on the
To select a word that is a hyperlink, hold down the CTRL key. CTRL+double-click
selects a single word. Clicking on the hyperlink without pressing CTRL accesses
the URL that the link refers to.
To select a whole paragraph, triple-click anywhere in the
To select the whole page, quadruple-click anywhere in the
Click in the margin to select parts of a page:
single-click selects a line
double-click selects a paragraph
triple-click selects a page

Use the mouse for other tasks:
As you move the mouse, the status bar shows the link destinations you move
If you click on a link, the link is loaded into the current window. If you
double-click on a link, it is loaded into a new window.
If you hold down the mouse button on a link and drag the pointer into another
AOLpress page window and then release, then that window follows the
If you depress the mouse on a link and drag the pointer into a MiniWeb window,
that page being linked to is inserted into the MiniWeb.
If you depress the mouse on a link and drag the pointer out of any AOLpress
window, then a new window is created to follow the link.
If you hold down the right mouse button (on the Macintosh, hold the command
key down and press the button) on a link and drag the cursor to another window,
a link is made to the URL of the original link. The link is inserted where
you release the mouse. If you release the mouse on top of a selection, the
selection is bound to the link, otherwise the title of the page is inserted
and used as the link.
If you click on the icon of an image that has not been loaded (either because
you clicked the Stop icon, or because image loading is turned off)
then it is loaded.
On a machine running X, clicking with the middle mouse button will insert
the current selection (NOT the clipboard) into the page in the location you
clicked (this is close to xterm's behavior).
Text Editing:
If your keyboard has keys labeled Cut,
Copy and
Paste then these will do the obvious.
Holding down the Control key when depressing the Copy key will do a
Copy URL.
On a Sparc keyboard the keys labeled Again and Undo will do
Redo and
Pressing Return will start a new paragraph in whatever way seems appropriate.
In a list it will create a new list item. In a header it will exit the header
and start a new paragraph.
Pressing Linefeed or CTRL+J (at the end of a list, form, etc.) will exit
the current element (list, header, form) and start a new paragraph in whatever
way seems appropriate.
Pressing Backspace (or CTRL+H) will delete the last character.
Pressing CTRL+D will delete the next character.
Pressing Delete (if this is different from Backspace) will normally delete
the next character, but you may change things with the
Preferences menu so that
it deletes the previous character.
Pressing CTRL+W will delete the preceding word.
Pressing CTRL+U will delete to the beginning of the line.
Under UNIX you may want to use the Special Char menu
item to insert accented letters.
See also: Page window menus,
MiniWeb window menus, MiniWeb
Tool Bar
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