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File Selection Windows

Several commands in the File menu display windows that let you select a file:

In addition, the Browse buttons in various windows display similar file selection windows. These windows let you manipulate files on your local disks, your PrimeHost hosting service or AOL member directory, or any other AOLserver to which you have access.

When you save or open a file, you may be prompted for a user name and password if it is a remote file and the location is protected. AOLpress will save the page and all the image files (lines, bullets, photos) associated with it. Saving the file across the network may take a few seconds.

MS Windows

The file selection windows under Microsoft Windows are much like file selection windows in other Windows software.


File selection windows on a Macintosh contain several additional fields.

Conventions Between Platforms

If there is a possibility you will need to edit your pages on a Window 3.1 system, you should use the "8.3" filename length required by Windows 3.1. If you are using the 32-bit Windows version with Windows 95 or the Macintosh version, you can use longer filenames if you like.

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