Advocacy & Resource Center
(2023-present) I work as a Direct Support
Professional for Advocacy & Resource Center.
Due to the nature of this position and HIPPA
laws, specific details are privileged
information. A general description of what I do
is assist with independent living skills,
provide support, and advocate so those I work
with can live their best life. This is a job I
enjoy tremendously and has a lot of meaning to
Residential Resources, Inc
(2022-2024) I worked as a Direct
Support Professional for Residential Resources,
Due to the nature of this position and HIPPA
laws, specific details are privileged
information. A general description of what I did
is assist with independent living skills,
provide support, and advocate so those I work
with can live their best life. I enjoyed this
work and supporting individuals live their best
lives. I appreciate the start in a fulfilling
career however I no longer work for this
specific agency due to differing views on ethics
and retaliation for reporting issues that
affected the lives of people served by the
agency. |

Stewart's Shops
(2022-2023) I worked at Stewart's Shops
doing a variety of things. Putting away totes from
Inventory, stocking shelves, and making food. Although
this job is too busy for silly shenanigans they do have
a Pay Phone which is kinda cool.
They don't have a payphone anymore. They
put it in the dumpster and it is now in my living room! |
AT&T Store (2022-2022)
I sold phones and service for AT&T through Prime
Communications, an authorized retailer. While I enjoyed
working for Ma Bell and had a lot of fun doing the job
itself, I left because
Prime is horribly mismanaged, lacks moral integrity, and
pays crap wages unless you live in a big city with high
volume traffic. After receiving my first and only
write-up in the form of a "final written warning" I
decided that would be my last day. I was written up by
our acting District Manager Raylin for insubordination
because one of their training apps wasn't working and
refused to count my trainings as done despite my
providing numerous screen shots. After leaving a very
colorful worded message on the dry erase board telling
Raylin know exactly how I felt about him, I cleaned out
the store (I had furnished the break room and a few
other things - I left them nothing) and went home. I let
it be a surprise the next morning that I had left. Also
had a blast deleting the group chat for the entire
district leaving Raylin all by himself in the chat room
to think about his life choices.
I strongly encourage anyone using AT&T
to visit AT&T corporate owned locations and avoid Prime
whenever possible.

(click photo to enlarge)
Dollar General
(2020-2020) I briefly worked for Dollar
General. I left because COVID-19 happened and wanted to
be safe until I knew what was going on with the world.
The job was okay but minimum wage wasn't worth catching
a deadly virus. |
Plattsburgh (2018-2018) This was my
second time working for Chick-fil-a (not the same
restaurant as before). Was only there for about a month.
The people here were super friendly. Don't have any crazy stories
for this job. I got to run the cash register, make
milkshakes, and occasionally work in the dining room. I
left due to scheduling issues (no notice for
scheduling). |
Kinney Drugs (2017-2017)
I worked as a cashier at Kinney's. I did enjoy
working here, but this job was more serious than
my others, so I don't have any funny stories to
go with this one. I showed up, listened to my
boss, |
did my job and
went home. I've got bills to pay and I couldn't
afford to get fired so I took it super
seriously. Didn't matter though. Despite
positive feedback from customers and supervisors
I was fired without notice or warning by the
store manager who is known to be difficult. I
was here about a month. I still don't actually
know what I did to get fired. |
Taxi (2017-2017) I drove a taxi for
Town Taxi a couple times. I never really quit here,
I just haven't driven after those couple times. The
city permit cost too much and I didn't have the cash
to make change. The most memorable moments from this
job were when I got pulled over and had to talk my
way out of a ticket (headlight issue) while I was
driving a prostitute to Keeseville and she kept
asking the cop for his phone number and when I had
to stop suddenly on the interstate to let a bunch of
drunk people puke their brains out on the side of
the road. |
Price Chopper Supermarkets / Market 32 by Price
Chopper (2016-2017) This job was okay.
It didn't pay much and had no employee discount but
it was a job. I worked here for almost a year before
one of my managers Patty got on my nerves by writing
me up for being absent when I had a doctors note so
I promoted myself to customer with my beautiful
greeting card of resignation I drew in crayon. I
later found out she put it on her fridge at home so
at least she found it amusing. |
Walmart (2016-2016) I worked
here for 1 day. I decided that it was too corporatey for
me and I never came back except to collect my paycheck.
I kept the vest and nametag for future mischief...
Waverly Place (2013-2014) This job was kinda fun and
sucked at the same time. I mostly worked in the dining
room cleaning already cleaned tables to look busy and
offer to "refresh" a customers beverage. They hated the
word "refill" for some reason. I also got to wear the
cow suit at store events which was fun. Except the
costume was always broken and the cows foot was unsafe
to wear. They fixed it when the cows foot ended up in a
trash can never to be seen again. One of my managers was
a Stupidvisor. I stayed at this job for as long as I
could. But 3 hours a week at minimum wage wasn't very
motivating for me to walk 25 minutes to work. Despite my
best efforts, it took a while to get out of this job.
They would pick me up when I tried to stay home. One day
when I was tired and didn't want to get up, I scheduled
my computer to fax in my resignation 4 hours before my
shift started and went back to sleep. Apparently I was
too polite in my resignation letter and offered to keep
working as the cow at events. I didn't think they would
call me back, but they did. I worked as the cow for a
few more months before walking off during a major event
after they denied me a water break. It was over 90
degrees outside. They finally left me alone after that.
'n Gift / Thrift 2 Gift (2011-2014) This
started out as a volunteer internship but I stayed
afterward because it was fun. Eventually I got paid to
work one day a week and volunteered the other days. I
really like thrift shops so I had a lot of fun here and
made lots of friends while working there. I really got
to see the company grow as they expanded to a bigger
store. Some of my favorite memories of this job are
dressing up in the clown suit and playing with the
boombox and other various merchandise to encourage
people driving by the store to shop at various charity
events. and the puppet I found in the back room. I
always go back to visit this store when I am in town
visiting my family.