Snow everywhere!
Leave a commentWe got dumped with heavy wet snow. These pictures were taken at 4 AM with the power out.
We got dumped with heavy wet snow. These pictures were taken at 4 AM with the power out.
Due to a busy schedule, I have not been able to keep up with “Caturday” pictures every week, but here’s some from the last few months.
The old 1970s freezer broke the other day and due to where it is, it’s not easy to access the back of it to fix it. After a few colorful vocabulary words upon discovering the freezer had broken and throwing out a couple hundred dollars of groceries, I brought inside... Read More
I put up a few Christmas lights on the houses the other day.
Some cool old wallpaper in the old house I hope to fix up in Lyon Mountain. Sadly due to damage to the walls and the paper I will have to put up new paper when I work on these rooms. The pictures are close-ups of the not damaged parts of... Read More
The land I bought last year to move the trailer onto has another house *in* it. As in, the old house from 1900 that used to be there was bulldozed and buried in the back yard. I just thought it was interesting and wanted to save these pictures somewhere to... Read More
I’ve got an old family recipe to share for turkey dressing: 4 c. Crushed dry bread 1/2 c. Sage 1/2 c. Celery 5 c. Broth 1/2 c. Uncooked popcorn 1/4 c. Onions 1 tsp. Salt Mix well; stuff turkey. Cook 5 hours at 300°F or until popcorn blows the... Read More
Own a vintage phone? Want to have a dial card with your telephone number? Download the template for Microsoft Word and print out a card! Works with both Rotary Dial & Touch Tone Phones Visit: http://www.matthewfurman.net/sites/dialcards/index.html for instructions and to download!
I fixed the floor in the mobile home today… not sure why the manufacturer thought particle board was a good choice for a floor, but at least the holes are gone now. I only fell through the big hole once today. The 3 holes in the floor Putting plywood... Read More