The Magical Word
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The Magical Word 🙂
Here’s some pictures of my cats 🙂 Jeannie, Lily, Rozzy, Shadow, Chloe, & Jason
Meagan and I started putting up some of the Christmas decorations. I gotta find where I put the other boxes of decorations. A lot of the sheds got rearranged when I have to move 3 sheds this summer. But the real reason I’m posting this is because Meagan looks adorable... Read More
I had some fun making new Christmas themes for my blog and homepage. I think I may start doing holiday and seasonal themes on my blog and the main pages of my website. 🙂
Note: for the sake of time, this blog post is over simplified. This was a very expensive and involved event in my life. Nothing about this was a simple or easy process. My best friend Sid passed away in February 2020 after losing his battle with cancer, Sid... Read More
It was recently brought to my attention by a neighbor at a zoning board meeting that my yard is trashy and is an eyesore to his “respectable apartment community” and the other neighbor (whom I have a land dispute which prompted my variance application) joined in. I’ve actually been working... Read More
Here’s my new blog. I’ve decided to revive my almost never updated blog. I’ve copied over all the old blog posts (even the old cringeworthy ones from when I wrote like an old person learning to use facebook). Now that I’ve converted the blog over to WordPress, maybe I’ll... Read More
June 27, 2021 On the way back from Syracuse with my sister Kristen, we stopped by the toilet gardens in Potsdam to take some toilet selfies lol There are more pictures, view the slideshow here. this blog post was written and published on July 16, 2021, the post was backdated... Read More
It’s mid-September and here’s my first blog post for 2020. A lot has happened this year, my best friend Sid passed away in February from cancer, and now we’re in a global pandemic. I’m not going to focus on the negatives in this blog post, instead this post is about... Read More