I found another fridge! GE from August 1970
Leave a comment I found another free fridge on the side of the road. Date code lookup says August 1970.I guess this means I can call myself a collector of vintage appliances as I now have quite the collection! Maybe I should put up another shed…
I do have the shelves and drawers, but I need to clean them before I put them back in. It was later in the evening when I got this home so I’ll update this post later with more pictures and an update if it works. Also have the metal plate for the bottom of the fridge. I need to let the fridge sit for a day or two before plugging it in (hopefully it works).
The fridge was outside in the rain so the sticker is a bit messed up, but here it is.
Assuming it works, this is going to look wonderful in my 1970s kitchen. Right now the fridge is the only kitchen appliance that is not avocado green. (well, almost… the dishwasher isn’t green, but it matches the cabinets with the wooden door).
And finding this fridge reminds me that one of these days I also need to fix up the other Avocado green fridge which is still in the shed. It works but needs a new door gasket.
Here’s the picture from 2020 when I got that one!
Update 5/25/2023: it works! And is now in my kitchen
Categorised in: Old Appliances