Vintage mini fridge still works!
Leave a comment Hoover Household Refrigerator-Freezer Model R3075 (listing the model number to help people searching the Magical Land of Google find the wiring diagram below)When the fridge died before Christmas my neighbor Hippie and I dug out a couple old mini fridges out of the junk pile in the yard. Of the two of them, this is the one that still works. Although I do not need to have this plugged in now that I found a new full size refrigerator, I would love to clean this up and find a place for it someday. It’s kinda amazing that something this old that was outside for so long and buried in the snow still works. Although I’m going to store this one inside now. The Coppertone has a very vintage look to it! Thanks Hippie!!
Wiring Diagram C-51848-003