1960s and 1970s freezers
Leave a comment The old 1970s freezer broke the other day and due to where it is, it’s not easy to access the back of it to fix it. After a few colorful vocabulary words upon discovering the freezer had broken and throwing out a couple hundred dollars of groceries, I brought inside the spare freezer from the 1960s. So far it’s working perfectly. Although I’m not happy that one of them stopped working, it is remarkable that one freezer lasted about 50 years and the other which is almost 60 years old still works. It really speaks to how well things were made back then compared to now.Sometime in the future the green 1970s freezer will be repaired and brought back into working order, and the white 1960s freezer will be repainted. Possibly green since I have a gallon of avocado green paint.
and speaking of vintage appliances, here’s one I hope to bring home someday. It’s a 1960s Frigidaire Refrigerator/Freezer that belonged to my great-grandmother Fanny Ponto.
Aunt Maria is currently storing it for me in North Carolina. It’s gonna look awesome in my kitchen… As soon as I figure out a way to get it up to New York!