10 Year Online Anniversary 2009-2019
Leave a commentWell, somehow I’ve been online for 10 years!
I don’t remember the exact month I started this website but it feels like yesterday I was
making crazy gifs and starting my new online homepage. A lot has happened in the past decade!
In 2009, I was in High School and just wanted to have a homepage. It all started as a Freewebs website (remember those?)
Then I got real web hosting and my first web domain matthewweb.net, followed by furmannet.net, and finally the domain
I really wanted matthewfurman.net (Mom wouldn’t let me register my full name back then).
In the past 10 years I’ve used my website to share a laugh with my silly online creations, but mostly I’ve
created a digital scrapbook of my life. It’s kinda fun to look back at the pages I created
years ago and look back on what life was like for me. A lot of “oh yeah I forgot about that” and
“WTF did I make this for?!?” is preserved on this server.
In my real life offline, the past 10 years has gone by quick as well. I’ve graduated high school, attempted college,
despite my silly pranks, I’ve somehow managed to not get fired at Staples, I’ve been with them for 4 (almost 5) years now,
I’ve moved back home to New York and now own my own home. Adopted/Rescued 3 wonderful cats (my
fur babies). I’ve reconnected with old friends, made some new friends, and met a few people who turned out to be
frustrating, but valuable life lessons. While I’m still the same silly fun loving Matthew I’ve always been,
I’ve grown up in a lot of ways and at my still young age of 24, I’ve acquired a few gray hairs (not particularly thrilled about them,
but I’ve earned each and everyone of them) I’m excited to see what the next 10 years will bring.
Friday June 28, 2019 @ 10:43 PM, Eastern.
Categorised in: Uncategorized, Web Announcements